Curriculum Vitae
| Born 1981 (Limburg an der Lahn, Germany), citizenship in Germany. |
Professional Activities
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| Professor of Behavioural Science and Finance | University of Warwick — Warwick Business School. |
| Faculty Fellow | Alan Turing Institute. |
| Visiting Scholar | Boston University. |
| Visiting Scholar | University College London. |
| Founder and Managing Director | Artemis Capital Asset Management GmbH. |
| Associate Professor of Behavioural Science and Finance | University of Warwick — Warwick Business School. |
| Vice-Chairman | "Physics of Socio-Economic Systems" Division of the German Physical Society (DPG). |
| Visiting Lecturer | University College London — Department of Mathematics. |
| German Physical Society Postdoctoral Fellow. |
| Senior Research Associate | Boston University — Research group led by Prof. H. Eugene Stanley, Center for Polymer Studies, Boston, MA, USA. |
| Postdoctoral Research Fellow | ETH Zurich — Research group led by Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation. |
| Visiting Researcher | University College London — Research group led by Prof. Steven Bishop, Department of Mathematics, London, United Kingdom. |
| Visiting Researcher | Tel Aviv University — Research group led by Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
| General Secretary | "Physics of Socio-Economic Systems" Division of the German Physical Society (DPG). |
| Research Associate | Boston University — Research group led by Prof. H. Eugene Stanley, Center for Polymer Studies, Boston, MA, USA. |
| Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz — Research group led by Prof. Dr. Kurt Binder. |
| Risk Analyst | Deutsche Bank AG — Risk Analytics & Instruments, Legal, Risk & Capital, Frankfurt, Germany. |
| Visiting Researcher | Boston University — Research group led by Prof. H. Eugene Stanley, Center for Polymer Studies, Boston, MA, USA. |
| Visiting Researcher | ETH Zurich — Research group led by Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation. |
| Visiting Researcher | Boston University — Research group led by Prof. H. Eugene Stanley, Center for Polymer Studies, Boston, MA, USA. Visiting Researcher | University of Georgia — Research group led by Prof. David P. Landau, Center for Simulational Physics, Athens, GA, USA. |
| Visiting Researcher | University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan — Research group led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Mattutis. |
| Visiting Researcher | Boston University — Research group led by Prof. H. Eugene Stanley, Center for Polymer Studies, Boston, MA, USA. |
Educational Background
Reviewing Activities
Refereed Journal Articles
25 | Tobias Preis, Dror Y. Kenett, H. Eugene Stanley, Dirk Helbing, and Eshel Ben-Jacob, Preprint — Under Review (2011)
24 | Tobias Preis, Helen Susannah Moat, H. Eugene Stanley, and Dirk Helbing, Preprint — Under Review (2011)
23 | Tobias Preis and H. Eugene Stanley, Bubble trouble, Physics World 24, 29-32 (2011)
22 | Tobias Preis, Johannes J. Schneider, and H. Eugene Stanley, Switching Processes in Financial Markets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 7674-7678 (2011)
21 | Tobias Preis, GPU-computing in econophysics and statistical physics, European Physical Journal Special Topics 194, 87-119 (2011)
20 | Tobias Preis, Econophysics - complex correlations and trend switchings in financial time series, European Physical Journal Special Topics 194, 5-86 (2011)
19 | Tobias Preis, Progress in Econophysics, European Physical Journal Special Topics 194, 1-3 (2011)
18 | Tobias Preis, Econophysics in a Nutshell, Science & Culture 76, 333-337 (2010)
17 | Tobias Preis, Daniel Reith, and H. Eugene Stanley, Complex dynamics of our economic life on different scales: insights from search engine query data, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 368, 5707-5719 (2010)
16 | Benjamin Block, Peter Virnau, and Tobias Preis, Multi-GPU accelerated multi-spin Monte Carlo simulations of the 2D Ising model, Computer Physics Communications 181, 1549-1556 (2010)
15 | H. Eugene Stanley, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Giancarlo Franzese, Shlomo Havlin, Francesco Mallamace, Pradeep Kumar, Vasiliki Plerou, and Tobias Preis, Correlated randomness and switching phenomena, Physica A 389, 2880-2893 (2010)
14 | Tobias Preis and H. Eugene Stanley, Switching Phenomena in a System with No Switches, Journal of Statistical Physics 138, 431-446 (2010)
13 | Tobias Preis and H. Eugene Stanley, How to Characterize Trend Switching Processes in Financial Markets, Bulletin of the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics 23, 18-23 (2009) [Cover Image]
12 | Tobias Preis, Peter Virnau, Wolfgang Paul, and Johannes J. Schneider, Accelerated fluctuation analysis by graphic cards and complex pattern formation in financial markets, New Journal of Physics 11, 093024 (2009)
11 | Tobias Preis, Peter Virnau, Wolfgang Paul, and Johannes J. Schneider, GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D and 3D Ising model, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 4468-4477 (2009)
10 | Tobias Preis, Wolfgang Paul, and Johannes J. Schneider, Fluctuation patterns in high-frequency financial asset returns, Europhysics Letters 82, 68005 (2008)
09 | Tobias Preis, Sebastian Golke, Wolfgang Paul, and Johannes J. Schneider, Statistical analysis of financial returns for a multiagent order book model of asset trading, Physical Review E 76, 016108 (2007)
08 | Tobias Preis, Sebastian Golke, Wolfgang Paul, and Johannes J. Schneider, Multi-agent-based Order Book Model of financial markets, Europhysics Letters 75, 510-516 (2006)
Refereed Book Contributions and Conference Proceedings
07 | Tobias Preis, Price-Time Priority and Pro Rata Matching in an Order Book Model of Financial Markets, in "Econophysics of Order-driven Markets", F. Abergel, B. K. Chakrabarti, A. Chakraborti, and M. Mitra (eds.), (Springer, 2011)
06 | Tobias Preis and Benjamin Block, A Practical Guide to Massively Parallel Monte Carlo Simulations: The Ising Model, accepted for publication in "GPU Computing Gems", W. Hwu (ed.), (Addison-Wesley, 2010)
05 | H. Eugene Stanley, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Giancarlo Franzese, Shlomo Havlin, Francesco Mallamace, Marco G. Mazza, Pradeep Kumar, Vasiliki Plerou, Tobias Preis, Kevin Stokely, and Limei Xu, Switching Phenomena, in "Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary CHESS Interactions Conference", C. Rangacharyulu and E. Haven (eds.), (World Scientific, Singapore, 2010)
04 | Tobias Preis and H. Eugene Stanley, Trend Switching Processes in Financial Markets, in "Econophysics Approaches to Large-Scale Business Data and Financial Crisis", M. Takayasu, T. Watanabe, and H. Takayasu (eds.), (Springer, Tokyo, 2010)
03 | Tobias Preis, Simulating the microstructure of financial markets, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 221, 012019 (2010)
02 | Tobias Preis, An Order Book Model Simulating Modern Financial Markets, accepted for publication in "Proceedings of the Summer School on Socio-Econo-Physics", J. J. Schneider (ed.), (Springer, 2011)
Patents and Patent Applications
Tobias Preis, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Munich, patent pending, file number 10 2010 034 053.7 (2010)
PhD Theses Supervised
Alanyali, M., Quantifying human behaviour with online images, PhD thesis, University of Warwick (2018)
Botta, F., Quantifying human behaviour using complex social datasets, PhD thesis, University of Warwick (2016)
Lochanachit, S. , Estimating socioeconomic indicators using online data, PhD thesis, University of Warwick (2020)
Mizzi, G., Improving dengue fever surveillance with online data, PhD thesis, University of Warwick (2019)
Seresinhe, C. I., From landscapes to cityscapes: quantifying the connection between scenic beauty and human wellbeing, PhD thesis, University of Warwick (2018)
Grants and Fellowships
Media Coverage
"Possible Early Warning Sign for Market Crashes", Brandon Keim, Wired.com, 18 March 2011 (USA).
"ZDF spezial", live TV coverage, Sonja Schünemann, ZDF, 30 Jun 2010 (Germany).
"Gauck führt im Internet", Eva-Maria Magel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 29 Jun 2010, p. 42 (Germany).
"Klicken für den Bundespräsidenten", Georg H. Przikling, ZDF heute.de, 29 Jun 2010 (Germany).
"ZDF Morgenmagazin | Netzschau", Sonja Schünemann, ZDF, 29 Jun 2010 (Germany).
"Vor der Bundespräsidentenwahl", INFOradio rbb, 29 Jun 2010 (Germany).
"Gauck liegt im Internet vorn", Rhein-Zeitung, 24 Jun 2010, p. 19 (Germany).
"The Low-Latency Imperative: How Fast Is Fast Enough?", David Safarik, Wall Street & Technology, 15 Jun 2010 (USA).
"High Frequency Trading Benefits from Fermi Architecture", Michael Feldman, HPCwire, 06 May 2010 (USA).
"Ein Algorithmus weist den Weg", Antje Karbe, Mittelbayerische Zeitung [ PDF ], 17 Jan 2010 (Germany).
"Simulation auf Grafikkarten: vom Videospiel zur Materialforschung", Martin Oettel and Peter Virnau, Natur & Geist — Das Forschungsmagazin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz [ PDF ], Issue 2/2009 (Germany).
"Packen wie die Weltmeister", Johannes J. Schneider and Elmar Schömer, Natur & Geist — Das Forschungsmagazin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz [ PDF ], Issue 2/2009 (Germany).
"Rechenkünstler aus der Spiele-Welt löst Physikproblem", scinexx.de — Das Wissensmagazin [ PDF ], 10 Jun 2009 (Germany).
"Grafikkarten bringen Forschern Leistungsschub", WinFuture.de [ PDF ], 10 Jun 2009 (Germany).
"Rheingeschaut", K3 Kulturkanal [ MPEG (3 MB) ], 24 Apr 2009 (Germany).
"Zelltod, Börse und Generäle", Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, 21 Apr 2009 (Germany).
"Tobias Preis Jahrgangsbester mit der Traumnote 1,0 — Tilemannschule verabschiedete 96 frisch gebackene Abiturienten", Weilburger Tageblatt, 13 Jun 2001 (Germany).
"Das Abitur an der Limburger Tilemannschule", Nassauische Neue Presse, 12 Jun 2001, p. 14 (Germany).
"Die Tiefe der Mondkrater ist für Tobias Preis kein Rätsel", Nassauische Neue Presse, 1 Mar 1999, p. 16 (Germany).
"Wie tief sind die Krater auf dem Mond und wie wird morgen das Wetter sein?", Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung, 19 Feb 1999, p. 23 (Germany).
"Die Krater auf dem Mond", Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung, 19 Feb 1999, p. 1 (Germany).
"Experimentierfreude zahlte sich aus", Giessener Allgemeine, 13 Feb 1999, p. 39 (Germany).
Invited Talks and Presentations
41 | Centre of Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), UCL, London, UK (18 Aug 2011).
40 | High Frequency Trading World 2011, Chicago, IL, USA (29 Jun 2011).
39 | Group Seminar | Center for Polymer Studies, Boston, MA, USA (24 June 2011).
38 | High Frequency Trading World 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands (08 Jun 2011).
37 | International Conference on Econophysics 2011, Shanghai, China (05 Jun 2011).
36 | International Symposium: Computer Simulations on GPU, Mainz, Germany (01 Jun 2011).
35 | Physics World Online Lecture | Bubble Trouble (12 May 2011).
34 | Research Seminar | Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain (05 May 2011).
33 | Chair of Computational Science | ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (03 May 2011).
32 | CCSS Seminar | Risk Center, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (19 Apr 2011).
31 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, SOE | GPU Computing, Dresden, Germany (14 Mar 2011).
30 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, SOE | Swarm Intelligence, Dresden, Germany (14 Mar 2011).
29 | Group Seminar | Research group of Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation, Zurich, Switzerland (31 Jan 2011).
28 | Group Seminar | Research group of Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation, Zurich, Switzerland (10 Jan 2011).
27 | Biophysics/Condensed Matter Seminar | Physics Department — Boston University, Boston, MA, USA (30 Nov 2010).
26 | Research Seminar | RAI — Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (21 Jul 2010).
25 | International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Varenna, Italy (07 Jul 2010).
24 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, SOE, Regensburg, Germany (26 Mar 2010).
23 | Tutorial | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, SOE, Regensburg, Germany (21 Mar 2010).
22 | Econophys-Kolkata V | Econophysics of Order-driven Markets — Kolkata, India (11 Mar 2010).
21 | jDPG Theoretiker-Workshop (PDF) — Gersfeld (Rhön), Germany (09 Jan 2010).
20 | Econophysics Colloquium 2009 — Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy (27 Oct 2009).
19 | GPU Computing in Computational Engineering — First International Workshop on Computational Engineering, Herrsching, Germany (14 Oct 2009).
18 | Center for Simulational Physics (PDF) — University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA (30 Jun 2009).
17 | Center for Simulational Physics — University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA (23 Jun 2009).
16 | Graphic Card Computing Workshop (PDF), Leipzig, Germany (11 Jun 2009).
15 | Gutenberg Academy, Mainz, Germany (20 Apr 2009).
14 | Workshop: The Science of Complexity, Eilat, Israel (31 Mar 2009).
13 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, DY, Dresden, Germany (24 Mar 2009).
12 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, AGSOE, Dresden, Germany (23 Mar 2009).
11 | University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan (13 Mar 2009).
10 | APFA7: Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis, Tokyo, Japan (02 Mar 2009).
09 | Center for Polymer Studies — Boston University, Boston, MA, USA (20 Feb 2009).
08 | Summer School on Socio-Econo-Physics, Windberg, Germany (19 Sep 2008).
07 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, AKSOE, Berlin, Germany (27 Feb 2008).
06 | Summer School on Socio-Econo-Physics, Windberg, Germany (15 Sep 2007).
05 | Statphys 23 — International Conference, Genova, Italy (13 Jul 2007).
04 | Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (24 May 2007).
03 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, AKSOE, Regensburg, Germany (26 Mar 2007).
02 | Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, Zurich, Switzerland (21 Feb 2007).
01 | Annual Spring Meeting — DPG, AKSOE, Dresden, Germany (29 Mar 2006).
Organization of Conferences and Workshops
Honors and Awards