GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D and 3D Ising model
Tobias Preis, Peter Virnau, Wolfgang Paul, and Johannes J. Schneider Journal of Computational Physics 228, 4468-4477 (2009) — We develop GPU-based Monte Carlo simulations of the two dimensional ferromagnetic square lattice Ising model. By implementing a variant of the checkerboard algorithm, results are obtained up to 60 times faster on the GPU than on a current CPU core. An implementation of the three dimensional ferromagnetic cubic lattice Ising model on a GPU is able to generate results up to 35 times faster than on a current CPU core. As proof of concept we calculate the critical temperature of the 2D and 3D Ising model using finite size scaling techniques.
Selected Publications in GPU-Computing
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Harvey M.J. & De Fabritiis G., Swan: A tool for porting CUDA programs to OpenCL, Computer Physics Communications 182, 1093-1099 (2011)
Rapaport D.C., Enhanced molecular dynamics performance with a programmable graphics processor, Computer Physics Communications 182, 926-934 (2011)
Brown W.M., Wang P., Plimpton S.J. & Tharrington A.N., Implementing molecular dynamics on hybrid high performance computers - Short range forces, Computer Physics Communications 182, 898-911 (2011)
Huang B., Mielikainen J., Oh H. & Allen Huang H.-L., Development of a GPU-based high-performance radiative transfer model for the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), Journal of Computational Physics 230, 2207-2221 (2011)
Aldrich E.M., Fernandez-Villaverde J., Ronald Gallant A. & Rubio-Ramirez J.F., Tapping the supercomputer under your desk: Solving dynamic equilibrium models with graphics processors, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35, 386-393 (2011)
Kong X., Huang M.C., Ren C. & Decyk V.K., Particle-in-cell simulations with charge-conserving current deposition on graphic processing units, Journal of Computational Physics 230, 1676-1685 (2011)
Cecka C., Lew A.J. & Darve E., Assembly of finite element methods on graphics processors, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 85, 640-669 (2011)
Dick C., Georgii J. & Westermann R., A real-time multigrid finite hexahedra method for elasticity simulation using CUDA, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19, 801-816 (2011)
Bauer B.A., Davis J.E., Taufer M. & Patel S., Molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous ions at the liquid-vapor interface accelerated using graphics processors, Journal of Computational Chemistry 32, 375-385 (2011)
Ren D.Q., Algorithm level power efficiency optimization for CPUGPU processing element in data intensive SIMD/SPMD computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 71, 245-253 (2011)
Van Der Laan W.J., Jalba A.C. & Roerdink J.B.T.M., Accelerating wavelet lifting on graphics hardware Using CUDA, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 22, 5539768 (2011)
Han T.D. & Abdelrahman T.S., HiCUDA: High-level GPGPU programming, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23, 5445082 (2011)
Park I.K., Singhal N., Lee M.H., Cho S. & Kim C., Design and performance evaluation of image processing algorithms on GPUs, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23, 5477417 (2011)
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Weber R., Gothandaraman A., Hinde R.J. & Peterson G.D., Comparing hardware accelerators in scientific applications: A case study, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23, 5482576 (2011)
Linford J.C., Michalakes J., Vachharajani M. & Sandu A., Automatic generation of multicore chemical kernels, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23, 5473221 (2011)
Falcao G., Sousa L. & Silva V., Massively LDPC decoding on multicore architectures, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 22, 5445086 (2011)
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Van Hemert J.L. & Dickerson J.A., Monte Carlo randomization tests for large-scale abundance datasets on the GPU, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 101, 80-86 (2011)
Park S.J., Ross J., Shires D., Richie D., Henz B. & Nguyen L., Hybrid core acceleration of UWB SIRE radar signal processing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23, 5477419 (2011)
Myung H.J., Sakamaki R., Oh K.J., Narumi T., Yasuoka K. & Lee S., Accelerating molecular dynamics simulation using graphics processing unit, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 31, 3639-3643 (2010)
Herault A., Bilotta G. & Dalrymple R.A., SPH on GPU with CUDA, Journal of Hydraulic Research 48, 74-79 (2010)
Joldes G.R., Wittek A. & Miller K., Real-time nonlinear finite element computations on GPU - Application to neurosurgical simulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199, 3305-3314 (2010)
Hawick K.A., Leist A. & Playne D.P., Parallel graph component labelling with GPUs and CUDA, Parallel Computing 36, 655-678 (2010)
Jiang W.-Q., Zhang M. & Wang Y., CUDA-based radiative transfer method with application to the em scattering from a two-layer canopy model, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 24, 2509-2521 (2010)
Xu J., Ren Y., Ge W., Yu X., Yang X. & Li J., Molecular dynamics simulation of macromolecules using graphics processing unit, Molecular Simulation 36, 1131-1140 (2010)
Zhang X., Zhang X. & Hong Zhou Z., Low cost, high performance GPU computing solution for atomic resolution cryoEM single-particle reconstruction, Journal of Structural Biology 172, 400-406 (2010)
Rostrup S. & De Sterck H., Parallel hyperbolic PDE simulation on clusters: Cell versus GPU, Computer Physics Communications 181, 2164-2179 (2010)
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Aubert D. & Teyssier R., Reionization simulations powered by Graphics Processing Units. I. On the structure of the ultraviolet radiation field, Astrophysical Journal 724, 244-266 (2010)
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Nath R., Tomov S. & Dongarra J., An improved MAGMA GEMM for Fermi graphics processing units, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 24, 511-515 (2010)
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Hagiwara K., Kanzaki J., Okamura N., Rainwater D. & Stelzer T., Calculation of HELAS amplitudes for QCD processes using graphics processing unit (GPU), European Physical Journal C 70, 513-524 (2010)
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Liu Y., Schmidt B., Liu W. & Maskell D.L., CUDA-MEME: Accelerating motif discovery in biological sequences using CUDA-enabled graphics processing units, Pattern Recognition Letters 31, 2170-2177 (2010)
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Park H. & Fishwick P.A., A GPU-based application framework supporting fast discrete-event simulation, Simulation 86, 613-628 (2010)
Komatitsch D., Erlebacher G., Goddeke D. & Michea D., High-order finite-element seismic wave propagation modeling with MPI on a large GPU cluster, Journal of Computational Physics 229, 7692-7714 (2010)
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Clark M.A., Babich R., Barros K., Brower R.C. & Rebbi C., Solving lattice QCD systems of equations using mixed precision solvers on GPUs, Computer Physics Communications 181, 1517-1528 (2010)
Lee S.J., Seo S.C., Han D.-G., Hong S. & Lee S., Acceleration of differential power analysis through the parallel use of GPU and CPU, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E93-A, 1688-1692 (2010)
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Wendykier P. & Nagy J.G., Parallel colt: A high-performance java library for scientific computing and image processing, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 37, 31 (2010)
Iwasaki K., Uchida H., Dobashi Y. & Nishita T., Fast particle-based visual simulation of ice melting, Computer Graphics Forum 29, 2215-2223 (2010)
Block B., Virnau P. & Preis T., Multi-GPU accelerated multi-spin Monte Carlo simulations of the 2D Ising model, Computer Physics Communications 181, 1549-1556 (2010)
Gotz A.W., Wolfle T. & Walker R.C., Quantum chemistry on graphics processing units, Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 6, 21-35 (2010)
Xu D., Williamson M.J. & Walker R.C., Advancements in molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules on graphical processing units, Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 6, 3-19 (2010)
Scanzio S., Cumani S., Gemello R., Mana F. & Laface P., Parallel implementation of Artificial Neural Network training for speech recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters 31, 1302-1309 (2010)
Park I.K., Germann M., Breitenstein M.D. & Pfister H., Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU, Machine Vision and Applications 21, 749-766 (2010)
Bianchi S. & Di Leonardo R., Real-time optical micro-manipulation using optimized holograms generated on the GPU, Computer Physics Communications 181, 1444-1448 (2010)
Jonsson P. & Primack J.R., Accelerating dust temperature calculations with graphics-processing units, New Astronomy 15, 509-514 (2010)
Deorowicz S., Solving longest common subsequence and related problems on graphical processing units, Software - Practice and Experience 40, 673-700 (2010)
Michea D. & Komatitsch D., Accelerating a three-dimensional finite-difference wave propagation code using GPU graphics cards, Geophysical Journal International 182, 389-402 (2010)
Lui W.L.D. & Jarvis R., Eye-Full Tower: A GPU-based variable multibaseline omnidirectional stereovision system with automatic baseline selection for outdoor mobile robot navigation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58, 747-761 (2010)
Han L., Xi Y. & Huang W.-P., Acceleration of FDTD mode solver by high-performance computing techniques, Optics Express 18, 13679-13692 (2010)
Munekawa Y., Ino F. & Hagihara K., Accelerating smith-waterman algorithm for biological database search on CUDA-compatible GPUs, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E93-D, 1479-1488 (2010)
Schmid N., Botschi M. & Van Gunsteren W.F., A GPU solvent-solvent interaction calculation accelerator for biomolecular simulations using the GROMOS software, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31, 1636-1643 (2010)
De Donno D., Esposito A., Tarricone L. & Catarinucci L., Introduction to GPU computing and CUOA programming: A case study on FOTO, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 52, 5586593 (2010)
Maximo A., Marroquim R. & Farias R., Hardware-assisted Projected Tetrahedra, Computer Graphics Forum 29, 903-912 (2010)
Noel P.B., Walczak A.M., Xu J., Corso J.J., Hoffmann K.R. & Schafer S., GPU-based cone beam computed tomography, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 98, 271-277 (2010)
Jia X., Gu X., Sempau J., Choi D., Majumdar A. & Jiang S.B., Development of a GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculation code for coupled electron-photon transport, Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, 3077-3086 (2010)
Leist A., Playne D.P. & Hawick K.A., Interactive visualisation of spins and clusters in regular and small-world Ising models with CUDA on GPUs, Journal of Computational Science 1, 33-40 (2010)
Moorkamp M., Jegen M., Roberts A. & Hobbs R., Massively parallel forward modeling of scalar and tensor gravimetry data, Computers and Geosciences 36, 680-686 (2010)
Garanzha K. & Loop C., Fast ray sorting and breadth-first packet traversal for GPU ray tracing, Computer Graphics Forum 29, 289-298 (2010)
Gourmel O., Pajot A., Paulin M., Barthe L. & Poulin P., Fitted BVH for fast raytracing of metaballs, Computer Graphics Forum 29, 281-288 (2010)
Sainio J., CUDAEASY - a GPU accelerated cosmological lattice program, Computer Physics Communications 181, 906-912 (2010)
Pavic D. & Kobbelt L., Two-colored pixels, Computer Graphics Forum 29, 743-752 (2010)
Sheng Y., Yapo T.C. & Cutler B., Global illumination compensation for spatially augmented reality, Computer Graphics Forum 29, 387-396 (2010)
Shi H., Schmidt B., Liu W. & Muller-Wittig W., A parallel algorithm for error correction in high-throughput short-read data on CUDA-enabled graphics hardware, Journal of Computational Biology 17, 603-615 (2010)
Hagiwara K., Kanzaki J., Okamura N., Rainwater D. & Stelzer T., Fast calculation of HELAS amplitudes using graphics processing unit (GPU), European Physical Journal C 66, 477-492 (2010)
Ha P.H., Tsigas P. & Anshus O.J., The synchronization power of coalesced memory accesses, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 21, 5226617 (2010)
Ren N., Liang J., Qu X., Li J., Lu B. & Tian J., GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in complex heterogeneous tissues, Optics Express 18, 6811-6823 (2010)
Hissoiny S., Ozell B. & Desprs P., A convolution-superposition dose calculation engine for GPUs, Medical Physics 37, 1029-1037 (2010)
Asadchev A., Allada V., Felder J., Bode B.M., Gordon M.S. & Windus T.L., Uncontracted rys quadrature implementation of up to G functions on graphical processing units, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6, 696-704 (2010)
Dematte L. & Prandi D., GPU computing for systems biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics 11, bbq006 (2010)
Nickolls J. & Dally W.J., The GPU computing era, IEEE Micro 30, 5446251 (2010)
Okitsu Y., Ino F. & Hagihara K., High-performance cone beam reconstruction using CUDA compatible GPUs, Parallel Computing 36, 129-141 (2010)
Ortega L. & Rueda A., Parallel drainage network computation on CUDA, Computers and Geosciences 36, 171-178 (2010)
Gutierrez E., Romero S., Trenas M.A. & Zapata E.L., Quantum computer simulation using the CUDA programming model, Computer Physics Communications 181, 283-300 (2010)
Vintache D., Humbert B. & Brasse D., Iterative Reconstruction for Transmission Tomography on GPU Using Nvidia CUDA, Tsinghua Science and Technology 15, 11-16 (2010)
Tao Y., Lin H. & Bao H., GPU-based shooting and bouncing ray method for fast RCS prediction, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58, 5345750 (2010)
Muranushi T., Dust-dust collisional charging and lightning in protoplanetary discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 401, 2641-2664 (2010)
Haque I.S. & Pande V.S., Accelerating parallel evaluations of ROCS, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31, 117-132 (2010)
Kampolis I.C., Trompoukis X.S., Asouti V.G. & Giannakoglou K.C., CFD-based analysis and two-level aerodynamic optimization on graphics processing units, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199, 712-722 (2010)
Januszewski M. & Kostur M., Accelerating numerical solution of stochastic differential equations with CUDA, Computer Physics Communications 181, 183-188 (2010)
Molnar Jr. F., Szakaly T., Meszaros R. & Lagzi I., Air pollution modelling using a Graphics Processing Unit with CUDA, Computer Physics Communications 181, 105-112 (2010)
Lu P.J., Oki H., Frey C.A., Chamitoff G.E., Chiao L., Fincke E.M., Foale C.M., Magnus S.H., McArthur Jr. W.S., Tani D.M., Whitson P.A., Williams J.N., Meyer W.V., Sicker R.J., Au B.J., Christiansen M., Schofield A.B. & Weitz D.A., Orders-of-magnitude performance increases in GPU-accelerated correlation of images from the International Space Station, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 5, 179-193 (2010)
Tolke J., Implementation of a Lattice Boltzmann kernel using the Compute Unified Device Architecture developed by nVIDIA, Computing and Visualization in Science 13, 29-39 (2010)
Thompson A.C., Fluke C.J., Barnes D.G. & Barsdell B.R., Teraflop per second gravitational lensing ray-shooting using graphics processing units, New Astronomy 15, 16-23 (2010)
Leist A., Playne D.P. & Hawick K.A., Exploiting graphical processing units for data-parallel scientific applications, Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience 21, 2400-2437 (2009)
Takahashi T. & Hamada T., GPU-accelerated boundary element method for Helmholtz' equation in three dimensions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 80, 1295-1321 (2009)
Fang Q. & Boas D.A., Monte carlo simulation of photon migration in 3D turbid media accelerated by graphics processing units, Optics Express 17, 20178-20190 (2009)
Munawar A., Wahib M., Munetomo M. & Akama K., Hybrid of genetic algorithm and local search to solve MAX-SAT problem using nVidia CUDA framework, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 10, 391-415 (2009)
van Dyk D., Geveler M., Mallach S., Ribbrock D., Goddeke D. & Gutwenger C., HONEI: A collection of libraries for numerical computations targeting multiple processor architectures, Computer Physics Communications 180, 2534-2543 (2009)
Ino F., Kotani Y., Munekawa Y. & Hagihara K., Harnessing the power of idle gpus for acceleration of biological sequence alignment, Parallel Processing Letters 19, 513-533 (2009)
Robilliard D., Marion-Poty V. & Fonlupt C., Genetic programming on graphics processing units, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 10, 447-471 (2009)
Sanna N., Baccarelli I. & Morelli G., SCELib3.0: The new revision of SCELib, the parallel computational library of molecular properties in the Single Center Approach, Computer Physics Communications 180, 2544-2549 (2009)
Kaufman A., Fan Z. & Petkov K., Implementing the lattice Boltzmann model on commodity graphics hardware, Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2009, P06016 (2009)
Men C., Gu X., Choi D., Majumdar A., Zheng Z., Mueller K. & Jiang S.B., GPU-based ultrafast IMRT plan optimization, Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, 6565-6573 (2009)
Badal A. & Badano A., Accelerating Monte Carlo simulations of photon transport in a voxelized geometry using a massively parallel graphics processing unit, Medical Physics 36, 4878-4880 (2009)
Mateo Lozano O. & Otsuka K., Real-time visual tracker by stream processing: Simultaneous and fast 3d tracking of multiple faces in video sequences by using a particle filter, Journal of Signal Processing Systems 57, 285-295 (2009)
Yuan Z.-Y., Ding Y.-H., Zhang Y.-Y. & Zhao J.-H., Real-time smoking simulation based on GPU acceleration for virtual endoscopic surgery, Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology 31, 55-58 (2009)
Buckner J., Wilson J., Seligman M., Athey B., Watson S. & Meng F., The gputools package enables GPU computing in R, Bioinformatics 26, 134-135 (2010)
Martinsen P., Blaschke J., Kunnemeyer R. & Jordan R., Accelerating Monte Carlo simulations with an NVIDIA graphics processor, Computer Physics Communications 180, 1983-1989 (2009)
De Greef M., Crezee J., Van Eijk J.C., Pool R. & Bel A., Accelerated ray tracing for radiotherapy dose calculations on a GPU, Medical Physics 36, 4095-4102 (2009)
Rohkohl C., Keck B., Hofmann H.G. & Hornegger J., Technical Note: RabbitCT-an open platform for benchmarking 3D cone-beam reconstruction algorithms, Medical Physics 36, 3940-3944 (2009)
Trapnell C. & Schatz M.C., Optimizing data intensive GPGPU computations for DNA sequence alignment, Parallel Computing 35, 429-440 (2009)
Wayth R.B., Greenhill L.J. & Briggs F.H., A GPU-based real-time software correlation system for the murchison widefield array prototype, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 121, 857-865 (2009)
Amara Y. & Marsault X., A GPU Tile-Load-Map architecture for terrain rendering: Theory and applications, Visual Computer 25, 805-824 (2009)
Hussong R., Gregorius B., Tholey A. & Hildebrandt A., Highly accelerated feature detection in proteomics data sets using modern graphics processing units, Bioinformatics 25, 1937-1943 (2009)
Kersevan R. & Pons J.-L., Introduction to MOLFLOW+: New graphical processing unit-based Monte Carlo code for simulating molecular flows and for calculating angular coefficients in the compute unified device architecture environment, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 27, 1017-1023 (2009)
Nageswaran J.M., Dutt N., Krichmar J.L., Nicolau A. & Veidenbaum A.V., A configurable simulation environment for the efficient simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks on graphics processors, Neural Networks 22, 791-800 (2009)
Gray M.A., Getting started with gpu programming, Computing in Science and Engineering 11, 5076320 (2009)
Preis T., Virnau P., Paul W. & Schneider J.J., GPU accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D and 3D Ising model, Journal of Computational Physics 228, 4468-4477 (2009)
Mller C., Frey S., Strengert M., Dachsbacher C. & Ertl T., A compute unified system architecture for graphics clusters incorporating data locality, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15, 4653488 (2009)
Akoglu A. & Striemer G.M., Scalable and highly parallel implementation of Smith-Waterman on graphics processing unit using CUDA, Cluster Computing 12, 341-352 (2009)
Hissoiny S., Ozell B. & Desprs P., Fast convolution-superposition dose calculation on graphics hardware, Medical Physics 36, 1998-2005 (2009)
Fabianowski B. & Dingliana J., Interactive global photon mapping, Computer Graphics Forum 28, 1151-1159 (2009)
Komatitsch D., Michea D. & Erlebacher G., Porting a high-order finite-element earthquake modeling application to NVIDIA graphics cards using CUDA, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69, 451-460 (2009)
Hwu W.-M., Rodrigues C., Ryoo S. & Stratton J., Compute unified device architecture application suitability, Computing in Science and Engineering 11, 4814979 (2009)
Ford E.B., Parallel algorithm for solving Kepler's equation on Graphics Processing Units: Application to analysis of Doppler exoplanet searches, New Astronomy 14, 406-412 (2009)
Schwarz M. & Stamminger M., Fast GPU-based adaptive tessellation with CUDA, Computer Graphics Forum 28, 365-374 (2009)
Dynerman D., Butzlaff E. & Mitchell J.C., CUSA and CUDE: GPU-accelerated methods for estimating solvent accessible surface area and desolvation, Journal of Computational Biology 16, 523-537 (2009)
Ruiz A., Ujaldon M., Cooper L. & Huang K., Non-rigid registration for large sets of microscopic images on graphics processors, Journal of Signal Processing Systems 55, 229-250 (2009)
Nistor A., Chin W.-N., Tan T.-S. & Tapus N., Optimizing the parallel computation of linear recurrences using compact matrix representations, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69, 373-381 (2009)
Taylor Z.A., Comas O., Cheng M., Passenger J., Hawkes D.J., Atkinson D. & Ourselin S., On modelling of anisotropic viscoelasticity for soft tissue simulation: Numerical solution and GPU execution, Medical Image Analysis 13, 234-244 (2009)
Chen F., Ge W. & Li J., Molecular dynamics simulation of complex multiphase flow on a computer cluster with GPUs, Science in China, Series B 52, 372-380 (2009)
Dyken C., Ziegler G., Theobalt C. & Seidel H.-P., High-speed marching cubes using histopyramids, Computer Graphics Forum 27, 2028-2039 (2008)
Liu W., Schmidt B., Voss G. & Muller-Wittig W., Accelerating molecular dynamics simulations using Graphics Processing Units with CUDA, Computer Physics Communications 179, 634-641 (2008)
Garland M., Le Grand S., Nickolls J., Anderson J., Hardwick J., Morton S., Phillips E., Zhang Y. & Volkov V., Parallel computing experiences with CUDA, IEEE Micro 28, 13-27 (2008)
Che S., Boyer M., Meng J., Tarjan D., Sheaffer J.W. & Skadron K., A performance study of general-purpose applications on graphics processors using CUDA, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 68, 1370-1380 (2008)
Schmitz A., Tavenrath M. & Kobbelt L., Interactive global illumination for deformable geometry in CUDA, Computer Graphics Forum 27, 1979-1986 (2008)
Castano-Diez D., Moser D., Schoenegger A., Pruggnaller S. & Frangakis A.S., Performance evaluation of image processing algorithms on the GPU, Journal of Structural Biology 164, 153-160 (2008)
Harris C., Haines K. & Staveley-Smith L., GPU accelerated radio astronomy signal convolution, Experimental Astronomy 22, 129-141 (2008)
Stone S.S., Haldar J.P., Tsao S.C., Hwu W.-m.W., Sutton B.P. & Liang Z.-P., Accelerating advanced MRI reconstructions on GPUs, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 68, 1307-1318 (2008)
Zamith M.P.M., Clua E.W.G., Conci A., Montenegro A., Leal-Toledo R.C.P., Pagliosa P.A., Valente L. & Feij B., A game loop architecture for the GPU used as a math coprocessor in real-time applications, Computers in Entertainment 6, 42 (2008)
Edwards C., Game on for acceleration, Engineering and Technology 3, 36-39 (2008)
Messmer P., Mullowney P.J. & Granger B.E., GPULIB: GPU computing in high-level languages, Computing in Science and Engineering 10, 4604508 (2008)
Samant S.S., Xia J., Muyan-Ozelik P. & Owens J.D., High performance computing for deformable image registration: Towards a new paradigm in adaptive radiotherapy, Medical Physics 35, 3546-3553 (2008)
Hou Q., Zhou K. & Guo B., BSGP: Bulk-synchronous GPU programming, ACM Transactions on Graphics 27, 19 (2008)
Anderson J.A., Lorenz C.D. & Travesset A., General purpose molecular dynamics simulations fully implemented on graphics processing units, Journal of Computational Physics 227, 5342-5359 (2008)
Manavski S.A. & Valle G., CUDA compatible GPU cards as efficient hardware accelerators for Smith-Waterman sequence alignment, BMC Bioinformatics 9, S10 (2008)
Nickolls J., Buck I., Garland M. & Skadron K., Scalable parallel programming with CUDA, Queue 6, 40-53 (2008)
Van Meel J.A., Arnold A., Frenkel D., Portegies Zwart S.F. & Belleman R.G., Harvesting graphics power for MD simulations, Molecular Simulation 34, 259-266 (2008)
Belleman R.G., Bedorf J. & Portegies Zwart S.F., High performance direct gravitational N-body simulations on graphics processing units II: An implementation in CUDA, New Astronomy 13, 103-112 (2008)
Stone J.E., Phillips J.C., Freddolino P.L., Hardy D.J., Trabuco L.G. & Schulten K., Accelerating molecular modeling applications with graphics processors, Journal of Computational Chemistry 28, 2618-2640 (2007)